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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version % Done Affected version
94 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Urgent Affichage des messages dans im Philippe Lago Frédéric Barthéléry 06/02/2009 03:58 PM XMPP BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

162 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Rejected Urgent Raccourci BEEM Jean-Manuel Da Silva Frédéric Barthéléry 06/01/2009 03:40 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

119 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Urgent Réunions de la semaine du 18 au 23 Mai. Jean-Manuel Da Silva Frédéric Barthéléry 05/25/2009 01:40 AM Organisation

68 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Urgent SSL Problem - PUSH Jean-Manuel Da Silva Frédéric Barthéléry 03/28/2009 08:04 PM

231 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed High Crash when opening a received message in notification bar (milestone android 2) Romain Vimont Frédéric Barthéléry 02/13/2010 10:25 PM

hg Actions
135 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed High Fermer application, Test et recherche de bugs Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 10/19/2009 11:35 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

142 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed High Gérer l'erreur de connexion lors du Login Jean-Manuel Da Silva Frédéric Barthéléry 09/14/2009 04:28 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

140 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed High [DOCTEC] Description de l'architecture logicielle Philippe Lago Frédéric Barthéléry 06/22/2009 05:21 PM Documentation BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype before 1.5 - SFR_Version

136 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed High Basculement entre les conversations en cours Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 06/09/2009 03:38 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

144 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Rejected High Sécuriser le stockage des mots de passe Jean-Manuel Da Silva Frédéric Barthéléry 05/27/2009 08:00 PM XMPP BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype Technical assessement

90 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed High Changement de status Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 05/19/2009 03:23 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype before 1.5 - SFR_Version

49 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed High Creation d'un service xmpp Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 05/12/2009 03:46 PM XMPP BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype before 1.5 - SFR_Version

484 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal Unable to authenticate after upgrade to rc2 Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 03/15/2013 10:08 AM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

0.1.8 Actions
483 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal unable to install Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 03/14/2013 10:19 AM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

0.1.8 Actions
454 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal Cannot authenticate to Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 02/24/2013 09:12 PM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

0.1.7 Actions
449 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal Beem Authentication Bug Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 02/24/2013 09:12 PM Communication BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

0.1.7 Actions
469 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Accept Unknown Certificate? Anonymous Beem-Core 02/24/2013 09:10 PM XMPP

476 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed Normal Add support for SCRAM-SHA-1 SASL Mechanism Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 02/24/2013 09:09 PM XMPP BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

425 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed Normal Rework the CreateAccount activity Frédéric Barthéléry Frédéric Barthéléry 02/24/2013 09:09 PM Conception BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

424 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal error login Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 02/24/2013 09:09 PM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.8

0.1.6 Actions
474 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Need help in using beem as community project Anonymous Beem-Core 02/24/2013 09:05 PM

478 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Error when install Beem project: build.xml: Found version-tag:custom. File will not be uppdate. Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 01/16/2013 03:01 PM

471 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Rejected Normal The android beem not support socket5 Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 12/26/2012 12:32 PM

hg Actions
437 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Receive Admin message Muhammad Fadli Zulfikar Beem-Core 10/30/2012 12:06 AM XMPP

407 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Eclipse Anonymous Frédéric Barthéléry 10/30/2012 12:06 AM

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