


Bug #199

Warning strings et traduction lors d'un build avec ant

Added by Nikita Kozlov over 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

User Interface
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
2.00 h
Affected version:


Je met un copier coller d'un build ant, comprendra qui voudra.
C'est peut être une erreure de réglage du build de mon coté, mais de toute façon ce ne sont que des petits warnings.

[echo] Generating / from the resources...
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AcceptButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AcceptContactRequest' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AcceptContactRequestFrom' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCActTitle' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCAlias' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCBadForm' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCContactAdded' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCContactAddedError' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCContactAddedLoginError' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCGroup' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCLogin' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'AddCOkButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemApplicationConnect' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemBroadcastReceiverDisconnect' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemChatManagerNewMessage' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemJabberID' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemServiceCreated' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemServiceDescription' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'BeemServiceDestroyed' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDAlias' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDBlock' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDCall' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDChat' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDDelete' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDInfos' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDResend' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDSure2Delete' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDSure2DeleteNo' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CDSure2DeleteYes' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSHostPort' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSLogin' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSOkButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSPassword' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSProxyInfo' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSServerConnection' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSService' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'CLSUserid' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ChangeStatusActTitle' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ChangeStatusNoChange' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ChangeStatusOk' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ChangeStatusText' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ClearButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'ConListNotConnected' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'MenuAccountAbout' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'MenuAccountCreate' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'MenuAddContact' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'MenuConnection' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'OkButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'PreferenceIsConfigured' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'PreferenceStatus' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'PreferenceStatusText' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'RefuseButton' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMActTitle' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMErrorMsg' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMFrom' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMLoginHint' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMNoStatusSet' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMSameSpeaker' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMSays' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMSmiley' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMState' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMToSendHint' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SendIMYouSay' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SubscriptAccept' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SubscriptError' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SubscriptRefused' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'SubscriptText' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'app_name' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'button_create_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'button_create_login_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'button_login' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'button_reset' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'button_save' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_all_contact' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_menu_add_contact' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_menu_settings' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_name' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_no_group' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'contact_list_tag' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_close_dialog_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_confirm_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_err_dialog_settings_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_err_dialog_title' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_err_passwords' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_err_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_instr_dialog_title' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_name' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_successfull_after' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_tag' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'create_account_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'edit_settings_name' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'edit_settings_tag' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_about_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_about_msg' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_about_title' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_close_dialog_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_error_dialog_title' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_error_msg' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_login_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_login_progress' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_menu_about' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_menu_create_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_menu_settings' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_settings_button' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_tag' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'login_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_account_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_account_port' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_account_server' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_account_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_filename' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_account_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_account_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_port' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_server' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_type' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_use' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_proxy_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_xmpp_port' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_xmpp_server' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_key_xmpp_tls_use' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_menu_create_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_menu_login' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_password' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_port' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_server' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_type_prompt' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_use' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_proxy_username' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_saved_ok' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_label_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_label_proxy' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_label_xmpp' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_tag_account' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_tag_proxy' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_tab_tag_xmpp' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_xmpp_port' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_xmpp_server' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'settings_xmpp_use_tls' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr
[exec] aapt: warning: string 'user_info_name' has no default translation in /home/nightlybuild/beem/res; found: en fr


Updated by Nikita Kozlov over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Nikita Kozlov
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Langue par defaut en.


Updated by Frédéric Barthéléry over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF