




About BEEM

What does BEEM mean?

BEEM means "Boost your Eyes, Ears and Mouth".

Do you guys have an XMPP MUC room?

Yes. You can find us at . You can also find us on the IRC at the channel #beem on freenode network.

Why BEEM needs those crazy permissions??

Here is a list of the different permissions used by BEEM:

Permission Need
android.permission.INTERNET to access the internet connection
android.permission.VIBRATE to set vibrate on Beem notifications
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to stock the avatar datas on the SDCARD
android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to read the stocked avatar datas on the SDCARD
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE to check the connectivity status
com.beem.project.beem.BEEM_SERVICE Custom permission which will be used to allow other applications to use the Beem service
android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS As the 0.1.8 release, this is needed to be able to log you in Google Talk by using you device Google accounts
android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS As the 0.1.8 release, this is needed to be able to log you in Google Talk by using you device Google accounts

Can I use BEEM in my own project?

You can use the source code of beem (in free or paid apps as most as you want as long as you respect the requirements of the GPLv3:
We have no commercial business around BEEM but we will really glad if other people can bring back to the upstream their ameliorations.
If you have any question we will be glad to help you.

I want to help, what do you have for me?

Lots of stuff to do. Just see all those crazy tasks.

But I'm not a programmer!

That's OK. If you are into drawing stuff, you could design an icon set, emoticons set, or such. If you know some languages, you could help with translations. In either case, please just use BEEM, report your ideas, suggestions, tell us about your experience and feelings.

And, of course, help us to build a community, stay around in our XMPP MUC room, , chat around, answer newbies' questions and such. You can't imagine how it helps when there is at least a person or two that can help you with all that support-related stuff so that you can free a bit of time and context switches to write a bit more code.

Common issues

I use a Google Apps account and I can't connect with BEEM!!! 

The Google Talk (GTalk) server use a non standard authentication scheme: they don't use the user part of the JID to authenticate but instead they use the full JID.
Starting to Beem-0.1.5 version, you can use an option in the advanced preferences to use the full JID to authenticate.
For previous version, if the domain part of your JID is not or you have to enter in BEEM a JID in this form:

I want to use Facebook Chat with Beem.

To use your Facebook account in Beem you must:
  • have a Facebook username. After setting your username, you must log out of and into Facebook once.
  • your Facebook Jabber ID is simply your Facebook user name with appended (eg: ).
  • don't set the "use full JID to authenticate" option in advanced settings.

Updated by Frédéric Barthéléry about 12 years ago · 12 revisions

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