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Neustradamus -, 01/23/2012 03:55 AM
So you want to contribute?
They are many way to contribute on the BEEM project. The simplest one is just to help promote BEEM. Use it, show it, talk about it, share it with your friends.
Here's a list of other things you should do:
- Get in touch:
Go to, that is our conference room. You can always ask for help and talk about BEEM there.
Report bugs and share your mind about BEEM. Another way it's to join us on irc:// .
- Improve translations:
You can use this (temporarily unavailable) page to translate Beem easily.
The translation will be added in the next release. It is better to send us an email on to tell us you are doing a translation. We will contact you if you are needed to update the translation before a release.
- Get in touch with development:
Get the development version of BEEM. Install mercurial (either a console tool or one of the gui wrappers, like tortoisehg) and download BEEM sources using it.
Make a jabber account specially for testing. It will be easier to test things if you will use a small Jabber account without all your friends. You will also less annoy them ;-)
When you are ready you can submit your code in BEEM. See submissions.
- Start Hacking:
Just start! There's plenty to do, you can see all open tickets, also you can think of a new feature not already listed.
Updated by Neustradamus - about 13 years ago · 8 revisions