


Line 0, Birthday 3

It's been three years since we committed the first line of code on Beem.
Added by Frédéric Barthéléry about 13 years ago

It's been three years since we committed the first line of code on Beem.

At this time, we were 6 young developpers working on this brand new mobile platform, Android.

Beem was created as part of our Epitech Innovative Project,
our final year study project. It was quite exciting since we started the developments
before the first device was release so there were a lot of challenges.

In this dark ages, when we had to choose our project topic, some of us did not believe
in this project and just wanted to hang themselves. Maybe some really did as we are
now only 3 developers of the orignal Beem Team!

But here we are! Beem is one of the best Free (as in speech but also as in beer!) jabber
client for Android with more than 30000 downloads and this is all because of you!
It is the little community of users, translators and developers which support us and
keep us (I hope so) in the right direction.

We are trying to make it better and better and one day we will be the perfect
Google [talk/+/voice/whatever] replacement and we'll rule the world and we'll
get a lot of money, and glory and ...

I just loose it ...

Happy Birthday Beem !!!
