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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version % Done Affected version
433 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Immediate call voip fails Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 07/10/2012 02:06 PM XMPP-Jingle BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.2

434 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Immediate VideoChat using XMPP in Android Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 04/26/2012 09:24 PM XMPP-Jingle

432 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Immediate call voip fails Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 04/26/2012 12:21 PM XMPP-Jingle BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.2

492 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Urgent I wont to Server path in your applications Beem-0.1.8 Anonymous Beem-Core 05/09/2013 09:15 AM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - Dev

475 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Urgent Need file Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 01/12/2013 11:30 AM XMPP-Jingle BEEM - Android XMPP - Dev

212 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Urgent [Login] Crash on screen orientation change Jean-Manuel Da Silva Nikita Kozlov 12/04/2009 03:50 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1

61 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed Urgent Passage sous cupcake Frédéric Barthéléry Nikita Kozlov 05/12/2009 04:15 PM Conception BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype before 1.5 - SFR_Version

488 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug New High Voice call not working on different network Yakub Moriswala Beem-Core 03/20/2013 03:56 PM XMPP-Jingle BEEM - Android XMPP - Dev

0.1.7 Actions
342 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Rejected High Crash when receiving an offline message Victor N Nikita Kozlov 05/19/2011 11:23 AM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.6

0.1.x Actions
257 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed High Beem doesnt vibrate at all Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 06/24/2010 11:56 AM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.4

0.1.x Actions
256 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed High Beem doesnt vibrate at all Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 06/24/2010 11:56 AM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.4

0.1.x Actions
236 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Closed High Add support for various screen size Frédéric Barthéléry Nikita Kozlov 03/13/2010 02:48 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.2

139 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed High [DOCTEC] Description de l'environnement Philippe Lago Nikita Kozlov 06/24/2009 12:15 AM Documentation BEEM - Android XMPP - Prototype before 1.5 - SFR_Version

489 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug New Normal digest-uri wrong when using separate server Anonymous Beem-Core 04/12/2013 05:16 PM Communication

0.1.x Actions
416 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature New Normal [OTR] Provide a method of importing or exporting OTR private keys. Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 02/24/2013 09:13 PM BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.9

411 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature New Normal [OTR] Autostart encrypted chats if possible / show system messages Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 02/24/2013 09:13 PM Communication BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.9

469 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Accept Unknown Certificate? Anonymous Beem-Core 02/24/2013 09:10 PM XMPP

474 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Need help in using beem as community project Anonymous Beem-Core 02/24/2013 09:05 PM

479 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Feedback Normal Two way authentication using SSL Yakub Moriswala Nikita Kozlov 01/28/2013 07:41 AM XMPP

437 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Closed Normal Receive Admin message Muhammad Fadli Zulfikar Beem-Core 10/30/2012 12:06 AM XMPP

418 BEEM - Android XMPP Support Feedback Normal VideoChat using XMPP in Android Android Buddy Nikita Kozlov 03/05/2012 10:39 AM XMPP-Jingle

371 BEEM - Android XMPP Support New Normal How can I get BEEM-Jingle works? Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 02/21/2012 02:36 PM

0.1.6 Actions
29 BEEM - Android XMPP Feature Assigned Normal Creation d'une session jingle et echange de donnees Frédéric Barthéléry Nikita Kozlov 02/21/2012 02:34 PM XMPP-Jingle

393 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal Compact chat crash Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 02/21/2012 12:31 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.7

hg Actions
386 BEEM - Android XMPP Bug Closed Normal Crashes when opening chat to contact in rooster Anonymous Nikita Kozlov 02/21/2012 12:31 PM User Interface BEEM - Android XMPP - 0.1.7

hg Actions
(1-25/73) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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