Bug #318
Crash on update of many contact
Hi beem devs,
I'm using an ICQ transport with my jabber/xmpp server, and I guess that has to do something with the following problem: Beem just crashs occasionally. I got a log of such a crash via adb, you can find it attached to this ticket (I took the liberty to anonymize it. If I should have removed any useful information by accident, please let me know). As you can see, the crash happens at the same time as a lot of my icq-transport contacts, plus some non-icq-transport contacts change status. Please note that the non-icq-transport contacts are shown as icq-transport-contacts in the log, because of my anonymization. Some of the UIN@icq.tinloaf.de contacts were 'normal' XMPP contacts. I'm not sure whether these massive changes in status actually cause the crash, or whether these log messages are just wrong and caused by the crash itself, but I hope that you can trace the error by looking at the backtraces within the log.
I'm using Android 2.1-update1 on a Motorola Milestone device, with the original ROM.
Please let me know if you need any further information. "adb bugreport" seemed a bit overkill to me.
Kind regards, thanks for the good software,