Bug #252

Black BEEM icon in top bar
Using a HTC sense UI phone (HTC Hero) means that the Beem icon is barely distinguishable on the black background of the top android bar.
A solution would be to edit the icon and put a white border around it.
Updated by Frédéric Barthéléry almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 0.1.3
- Affected version changed from 0.2 to 0.1.x
We use a coloured icon now. It should be better on Sense but it's not following the android standard for icons.
If anyone want to make icons for us we will be happy to help by providing some icons data.
Updated by Danilo B over 13 years ago
- File 20111114_145003.jpg 20111114_145003.jpg added
Please re-open this issue. I can't see any colors in the current icon, even when changing the status. Using the (quite widely used) MIUI ROM, I can barely see the icon (see screenshot).